PMVA training, an abbreviation for “Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression,” is specifically designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills to handle and prevent violent and aggressive behaviors in the workplace, particularly in environments such as hospitals, care homes, and mental health facilities.

This training covers various crucial aspects, like risk assessment, de-escalation techniques, physical interventions (if required), understanding the legal and ethical considerations, crisis-prevention planning, and reporting and documentation procedures. You will learn to assess potential risks, effectively calm situations, employ physical interventions safely when necessary, and adhere to legal and ethical guidelines.

In health and social care settings, ensuring the safety and well-being of both you patients and yourself is of utmost importance. The PMVA training program plays a vital role in achieving this goal by providing you with a comprehensive approach to manage challenging situations. By equipping you with the necessary knowledge, skills, and strategies, this training facilitates the delivery of high-quality care while minimizing harm in potentially volatile situations.

Upon completing this program, you will be able to anticipate any violent acts, de-escalate or manage them, and also respond to and documents every violent acts to ensure your safety and that of your client.


Here are some of the key topics you will learn about in this course:

  • What work place violence is?
  • Legal obligations surrounding this type of situation
  • How to communicate and de-escalate situations
  • Individual safety and precautions
  • Self-defence and break away tactics
  • Physical interventions and Restraints with Legal backings
  • Incident response and reporting

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