Handling Information

This course, which also corresponds to standard 14 in the care certificate, will delve into the established protocols and legal frameworks concerning the recording, storage, and dissemination of information. You will discern the significance of maintaining secure systems for these purposes. The course will cover the eight Caldicott Principles, data protection principles, and pertinent legislation governing information management. Additionally, it will conclude by examining procedures for reporting concerns internally regarding the handling of information, as well as exploring whistleblowing protocols and mechanisms for reporting concerns externally.

Upon completion of this course, you’ll achieve several key outcomes. Firstly, you’ll develop an appreciation for the critical importance of securely handling data within healthcare and care environments, understanding how compromised data can impact patient confidentiality and trust. Secondly, you’ll be able to outline the various types of data breaches that may occur in healthcare settings, including unauthorized access, data theft, and accidental disclosure, enabling you to proactively identify and address potential vulnerabilities. 

Additionally, you’ll acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively handle sensitive personal data in accordance with legal and ethical guidelines, ensuring confidentiality and privacy protection for individuals receiving care. Lastly, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of individuals’ rights regarding their personal data and learn how to safeguard these rights, empowering you to advocate for patient privacy and confidentiality within healthcare and care contexts.


Here are some of the key topics you will learn about in this course:

  • Course Introduction
  • Understanding Reactions and Body Language
  • Identifying Barriers and Strategies for Overcoming Them
  • Maintaining Confidentiality and Records
  • Procedures for Handling Information
  • Ensuring Secure Information Management

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